Benthic ecology

The Patagonian coasts in Argentina offer a diversity of unique habitats and ecosystems. Sandy, rubble, rocky shores and marshes can be found along it’s more than 3,000 km of coast. The extreme environmental conditions, particularly continuous strong winds, to which species are exposed on these coasts presents an ideal scenario to study and test ecologic theories.
In the benthic ecology group the research we aim to describe and understand the processes and mechanisms that determine species composition in benthic communities, with focus on rocky shore habitats in Patagonia. These include natural and anthropogenic forces that may interact in this ever-changing environment.
Researchers: Dra. Lorena Arribas and Dr. Gregorio Bigatti.

Patagonia Argentina

Bvd. Brown 2915 (U9120ACD)
Puerto Madryn, Chubut - Argentina
Tel.: +54 (0280) 488-3184 int 1329